1, v1. Onix (Japanese: イワーク Iwark) is a dual-type Rock/Ground Pokémon introduced in Generation I. This game is an NDS Hack ROM! It’s Completed in English! Screenshots: Gameplay: Pokemon Following Renegade Platinum - Pokemon Renegade Platinum but it has Walking Pokemon Feature. Hope this helped!Up-Grade Hearthome City, Snowpoint City (Buyable) Water Stone Oreburgh Mine, Route 205, Solaceon Ruins (Hidden), Route 213, Route 230 (Hidden), Veilstone Dept. It was last updated in 2018. This is a standalone 493 patch meant to enhance and improve Pokémon Platinum while keeping the original feel. Why not make it a bit harder and do a nuzlocke. Items. (Pokemon - Renegade Platinum Normal/Classic/Shiny Rate/Speed Up v1. 81 MB. The next run is Renegade Platinum. Also there is some people working to add in batle megas to the gen 4 engine, Well, after getting your starter, just interact with Prof. I remember renegade platinum, it’s 1/512 unless you put one of the shiny patches on. 5 is now live with complete documentation and numerous qol features [100 % complete] r/PokemonROMhacks • Struggling to add the Leafage move to Pokemon Platinum This is a new feature for my ROM hack Pokémon Shining Victory. Quick EXP. Welcome back to another day of the Renegade Platinum Tierlist!. Renegade+ this hack + following would make for hands down one of the best hacks ever made and by far the best way to play sinnoh including BD/SP. He believes that they should be the climactic Boss Battles that GameFreak sets them up to be, and thus gives them tricky, competitive-grade movesets, as well as having a full team of six Pokemon (Roark might only have five Pokemon due to being the first Gym Leader though). There's documentation text files, a patch to change a Platinum ROM into a Renegade Platinum ROM, and then some additional patches which can be applied to a Renegade Platinum ROM which can give you the classic version (less Pokémon changes), increase speed and/or change the shiny rate. . I know their forms are different, but it feels cheap. ago. In the first Pokemon Center's you come across you can take a quiz from a 'TV Team'. Released: January 17 2022 Most recent version: b1. A New Release of my Pokemon Red/Green/Blue Romhack, Pokemon PureRGB is out! (v2. IE; Do I patch it right over Vanilla Platinum or over top Renegade Platinum? You patch it over the Renegade Platinum ROM. 2 *HP drop speed is now up to 2x faster against high-HP foes. I think there's a 60 FPS patch for Drayano's Renegade Platinum, makes it go much faster for me. The difficulty rises at a doable rate across these games and the quality of the games rise steadily too. The perfect Pokemon challenge is hard, needing to know sets, coverage and the like, But still flexible due to the sheer potential of any teams. Since you already have the Explorer Kit that should be everything. . But when switching to DeSmuME on PC, I find that my fps is capped at 30 when in the overworld, and only increases to 60 when in battle. In Luminescent Platinum, it now effects all encounters when generated, on top of our 1/512 rates. Platinum Redux is a difficulty rom hack of Platinum. Move names and descriptions are only updated in. Pokemon is about customizability at its core after all. Using DesmuME 0. sav. 3. 1 patch. He's Naive (+speed, -sp d). NEW GAMES. Blaze Black. I’ve tried updating the app and it didn’t fix it. But it feels like it’s flying by. r/PokemonROMhacks • 20 days ago. More Pokemon, especially from gen 1, will be added in a future patch. This is a new feature for my ROM hack Pokémon Shining Victory. Any%. T). features List. 4) Buy an r4 gold card (it has a ds cartridge, micro sd, and an adapter. Genuinely though, has anyone else found that. Also, be sure to try out Pokemon Following Platinum. Name of hack: Pokemon altered platinum Base game: Pokemon platinum Crested by: Lithium Status: in progress, but playable and balance tested up to credits and should be free of bugs. At base unpatched it’s 1/512, but you can patch it with the pre-3DS shiny chance or the post-3DS shiny chance At base unpatched it’s 1/512, but you can patch it with the pre-3DS shiny chance or the post-3DS shiny chancePokemon Renegade Platinum is a Drayano hack of Pokemon Platinum. Rowan's suitcase. Shedinja in competitive is just a gimmick, but in a Nuzlocke, it’ll beat approximately 50% of all the pokemon you face. There's documentation text files, a patch to change a Platinum ROM into a Renegade Platinum ROM, and then some additional patches which can be applied to a Renegade Platinum ROM which can give you the classic version (less Pokémon changes), increase speed. r/PokemonROMhacks. Every Platinum ROM-Hack will inadvertently be. Renegade Platinum is probably the most popular hack for Platinum, which is also from the creator of Sacred Gold/Storm Silver (Drayano). Ok, so it's a little complicated. They all share a bunch of similarities: Ability to catch every single pokemon in the generation it's based on (including legendaries) Improvements to the. Legit had to abandon my playthough of that game. I play Renegade platinum with the speed-up patch installed, shiny rate at 1/512, and have not used any cheat codes ever! I play on an R4i3DS Gold flash cart. Luminescent Platinum is the ULTIMATE Brilliant Diamond ROM Base. Players start with a national dex doubling the Pokemon available to you, and while this is something many ROM hacks do now, it was a huge thing back when this game was released. In a portuguese site, modders applied a PT-BR translation patch and a no trade evos mod along with some exclusive pkm from DP (murkrow, misdreavus, glameow and stunky) all above the rom patched with the Following Pokemon Mod by Mikelan and AdAstra. The level trainer/EV trainer in Solaceon Town was a top notch addition, as well as the speed up. The places in the ROM it changes are near the top of the file which is generally not edited (most enhancements will change stuff further down), so the locations of the bytes the patch changes are the same in every hack. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested usersDrayano ROMhacks (Renegade Platinum, Blaze Black/Volt White, Sacred Gold/Storm Silver) and the ones based on them (Sun Gold/Moon Silver and such). So I set myself a few rules, like: Max 1 starter pokemon per generation, max 2 starter pokemon on the squad at the same time. Once you enter the code and press L+R, all of the items under the ITEMS tab in your bag will become available with 995x each. And something I feel most non Drayano Hacks fail at heavily is this. All Combee and Salandit are female for evolution convenience; All Pokemon get lv 100 at default; Multiple outfitsI'd use PKHeX, you can find the download (I think) from this site. It's very unlikely u need all 6 pokemon in the last battle. Then, you can put the . Hey, I’m trying this with Pokémon Platinum, got it alls eat up but it still looks stretched. Feel free to use the following Pokemon Following Platinum cheats that are functioning whenever you play the ROM hack on your DS emulator. Gift items match Renegade Platinum (Roark gives an evolution stone, Bike Man gives a Dawn Stone, etc. New events throughout the story to change up some of the areas you can get to. One has: - removed 30 fps cap - instant text - instant HP and EXP bars The other one has all of the above except the HP and EXP bars move at normal speed. Gamer64, the developer behind the forks of Citra and Dolphin Android like Citra Enhanced, Dolphin MMJR and Dolphin MMJR2 has announced that they're retiring from the Android Development Scene and will now be focusing on PC. It is a rom hack version of Pokemon Plati. sav. Sweepers lose a lot of power, which made me super careful on when I send them out. Thank you!!The most difficulty of a Drayano hack comes from the Gym Leaders. It is something that can't really be replicated, the way this game captures its region through the incredible sprite work and music is truly second to none. A. I play Renegade platinum with the speed-up patch installed, shiny rate at 1/512, and have not used any cheat codes ever! I play on an R4i3DS Gold flash cart. The game is made much harder, with all Gym Leaders and Elite Four members having strong teams of six Pokemon. The game worked fine until I've reached eterna city and. iso" click patch, file patched successfully. Philliedips • 5 yr. I'm playing Pokemon Renegade Platinum with the 60 FPS patch. r/PokemonROMhacks • 21 days ago. Abra's ability can be either Magic Guard or Synchronize; the former ability replaces. For Generation 5, try Blaze Black or Volt White 2. Renegade Platinum v1. There are some changes, and additions like any good ROM hack does. 94000130 FFBB0000. In order to complete a Renegade Platinum Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 57 Boss battles throughout the Sinnoh region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four. zip file contains several files, including documentation text files, a patch to convert a Platinum ROM to a Renegade Platinum ROM, and some additional patches that can be applied to a Renegade Platinum ROM to give you the classic version (fewer Pokémon changes), increase speed, and/or change the shiny rate. Platinum Redux v2. Luminescent Platinum. Join. - All Pokémon that are Fairy-type in Gen VI onwards are also Fairy-type in Renegade Platinum. 6) Assuming the patching finished successfully, you should now have a Renegade Platinum ROM ready to go. Renegade Platinum - The RenegadePlatinumV130. D5000000 03E60044. 1. Version: v1. Drayano released a "Speed Up" patch go with his Renegade Platinum release. 4) Buy an r4 gold card (it has a ds cartridge, micro sd, and an adapter. The Pokemon - Renegade Platinum ROM is more than just a mere replication of the original game. r/PokemonROMhacks • 7 days ago. 0. Pokémon Renegade Platinum Hey guys I was wondering if any of you could help me. 6) To apply another patch, just change what you have selected as "XDelta patch" and hit "Apply patch" again. You get the bike from your mother at the beggining of the game. My save file type is filename. One thing that this ROM hack boasts is that it can be a bit hard and challenging. Renegade Platinum is such a great time. I manually entered the double exp code from the following link and it has not worked (entered it as a custom cheat and enabled it):. This means that for a Pokémon, you'd want to max out the two stats you need most. My Togepi hatched with Serene Grace, perfect speed IVs, and. A New Release of my Pokemon Red/Green/Blue Romhack, Pokemon PureRGB is out! (v2. i havent tried it using the ds loader but it will probably still work. You can walk side by side with any of the 493 existing Pokémon and interact with them, as you rediscover the landscapes of the. The first 386 Pokemon (barring a select handful) have been replaced by those from Gens 5-8. All trade evolutions can now be achieved via level-up or using trade items as evolution stones. Updated: 2018. In case I missed anything. From what I found online renegade platinum has a custom input for cheats, but any platinum cheat works. This patch MUST be applied on the *4997* USA Rev 1 version of Pokémon Platinum using the Delta Patcher in order for it to work. For speedrunning, i'm applying two of them : - Complete version : introduces the Fairy type and assigns different types to some Pokémon (for example, Feraligatr is Water/Dark, Mismagius is Ghost/Fairy, etc. It’s the ROM hack that I was eagerly waiting for. Patch this over a 3541 Platinum rom (I don't know if this is a xDelta1 or xDelta3 Patch, so you may need to use an online patcher if you're playing on mobile) (This is a mix of the base Renegade Platinum Patch and the Moemon New Platinum narc files found on Mega Moemon FireRed's PokeMMO forum thread (or the Moemon Development. This is true for the Complete and the Classic versions. Open your savefile using PKHeX and under the "Other" tab, there is an option to give yourself whatever items you want. what you care about. Created by the talented Drayano, this ROM hack revitalizes the classic Pokemon Platinum, introducing new elements that elevate the adventure. Battle. And It is now available to download. pokemon nds. You shouldn't be playing a romhack, just a normal Platinum rom. Watch on. Ideally this would be a dump of your personal American Platinum cartridge. Hi, I have Pokemon Platinum (U) running on an R4, and I also have Pokemon ShinyGold (A FireRed Hack) on my EZ Flash 3-in-1. game had English language only when I push start button to skip scene anythings else still japan. My Infernape died to a Magcargo because CC didn't kill. My hall of fame team for renegade platinum was. If you wanted a Grass type sweeper, just use Overgrow Sceptile already. Platinum Redux is a difficulty rom hack of Platinum. The u/Piercing_Serenity community on Reddit. The battles, on the other hand, are tedious. It is currently in beta (feature-complete, but not fully balance tested yet), and it adds, among other things, new Sinnohan Forms (replacing the originals), extensive balance changes for maximum fun, and increased difficulty compared to. Ok, so it's a little complicated. "Hardcore" also has the 10 type chart changes "Platinum Redux" has. This is a new feature for my ROM hack Pokémon Shining Victory. Where do I find it? Wayward Cave is the earliest place to find one. The rom currently has a roster of 180 Pokemon mostly from gens 2,3 and 4. BDSP is capped to 30fps 1x Speed. 1 / 10. A friend and I were on the hunt for this damn patch and he managed to get his hands on it. There are patching instructions in the Google Drive as well. 7z. Key Term pokemon platinum speed up patch; This preview shows page 1 out of 1 page. Negative speed natures are such a huge detriment since you can't fix it with 252 Speed EVs. It also. A cool thought: this spreadsheet actually started as a project for another of his romhacks, Volt White 2, but I. Instead of a complete reworking of the game. features List. There's documentation text files, a patch to change a Platinum ROM into a Renegade Platinum ROM, and then some additional patches which can be applied to a Renegade Platinum ROM which can. Luminescent Platinum is the ULTIMATE Brilliant Diamond ROM Base. Someone had mentioned "Teef" and "Feet" I'm highly considering this and taking them both to the elite 4 if renegade platinum decides I'm worthy (currently 3 badges and I've lost like 5 -6 mons over unlucky crits and 2 bad misplays) Platinum Redux 2. Download Pokemon Sacred Gold and Storm Silver (xDelta) Click here to download (v1. Please note that you will need to turn off “Checksum validation” when using the Delta Lite Patcher to apply more than one of these additional patches, or else it will fail. (Drayano appreciation) Drayano's hacks always have a good reputation, but having played and beaten Renegade Platinum very recently, it just makes me appreciate his works even more. Drizzle is so good in my opinion it bumps this Pokemon up to A Tier. There's now a base patch to change your Platinum into Renegade Platinum, one each for the 3541 numbered ROM and the 4997 numbered ROM. Dragon-type Pokémon pop up like twice in any major capacity, 1 time is the box legendary, who you are going to catch anyway, and Cynthia's Garchomp, who has multiple soft and hard counters even in D/P, let alone Platinum. 0 is out . Soft-resetting in Renegade Platinum. After you beat Gardenia and do the Plasma building part of Eterna, you go to the bike store and get the egg from Cynthia and the Dawn Stone from the bike vendor. Please note that you will need to turn off “Checksum validation” when using the Delta Lite Patcher to apply more than one of these additional patches, or else it will fail. This new version includes enhanced graphics and gameplay, as well as new challenges and dungeons to explore. I have decided to roll with Set Mode, No Potions in battle. Similarly, you can also just search for a pre-patched version and/or watch a Youtube video by searching "how to patch renegade platinum on (whatever computer you have)"1. Hello all, I am trying to play a Pokémon ROM hack on my Steam Deck (Drayano’s Pokémon Renegade Platinum). Recent runs. 9207802E 0000D001 1207802E 000046C0. Please note that as per our site guidelines, posting or linking to ROMs, nor posting files directly from ROMs (like files for LayeredFS etc) is strictly forbidden, and breaking will lead do infractions and removal of those uploads. After over 48 hours of playing, we've finally made it to the last part of the blind nuzlocke for Renegade Platinum. bar, HP bar, etc. To reiterate: Quote Should you need to share an edited ROM with others, you must use a patch file; linking to or uploading a ROM. He applied a 60fps patch to help alleviate Gen 4's notoriously slow animations, etc. Ive finally completed my renegade platinum nuzlocke and have just beaten Cynthia, but i cant move on as my game is freezing during the forced save scene in the hall of fame after beating cynthia, i want to move onward to the post game and complete that all in a nuzlocke, does anyone know why it is freezing during the. To transfer, just upload the . Honestly with a ground E4 and a fire E4 u might just go both water starters. Creator: Drayano. Renegade Platinum crashing first battle. Apply it onto a patched Following Renegade Platinum ROM. I was wondering if applying the moemon sprites to Renegade Platinum is gonna create any issues, so far it's working without crashing and or presenting artifacts, however I'd rather be 100% sure that it's not gonna die on me at some point. If you've never played a Drayano hack before, he specialises in enhancement hacks. Look at the read. It requires effort and time to do good 3D following pokemon, something that Gamefreak and Co will never do because they don't give a shit. 189K subscribers in the PokemonROMhacks community. Level 40. It's Slowpoke that evolves into Slowking, not Slowbro. To reiterate: Quote Should you need to share an edited ROM with others,. Move reminder and forgetter are in every Pokécenter and you don´t need to pay the reminder. As far as I know, the IVs work fine, but the EVs seem flawed. Pokemon Renegade Platinum is a Pokemon NDS Rom Hack by Drayano based on Pokemon Platinum in English. 2) Patch the 3541 rom using XDelta. Version: Completed v1. Underground:(Renegade Platinum) Defeated Crasher Wake without casualties thanks to thorough planning. There are 110 achievements worth 1,802 points. Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Renegade Platinum NDS Rom. The Drayano hacks come to mind as these have all pokemon obtainable within the game's region. Related Games. Speed Up game play when playing using a flashcart on DSI and 3ds! This is a great tutorial for those who love to play pokemon dppt or hgss. If patched on a different base, it may have unknown glitches. Hi, I'm new to Pokemon Renegade Platinum, and Pokemon in general (i literally just played my first game, platinum, 2 weeks ago) and you seem to be a pro at it, I'm just doing a normal run of the game with a 5 level over. 1) Download 3541 Platinum rom, get XDelta, DeSuMe, the ICV mod for renegade platinum, and Renegade Platinum+Following Pokemon. Not a huge deal, as Drayano has given us PLENTY of TM's to use to raise their happiness. And it is now available to download. 62101140 00000000. Rain Dance and Toxic, and ridiculous bulk, this thing is way too good for any prospective Nuzlocker to pass up. 10. It evolves from Metapod starting at level 10. After doing so he will explain that you can have the remaining two Pokemon. xdelta" or. This patch MUST be applied on the *4997* USA Rev 1 version of Pokémon Platinum using the Delta Patcher in order for it to work. * You can then apply additional patches on top of Renegade Platinum, including the classic mode, main series shiny rates and a speed up patch to make the game faster. 0. Also possible to get it in a gift egg (although the egg can give any other baby pokemon) Yingstar123 • • 2 yr. . * You can then apply additional patches on top of Renegade Platinum, including the classic mode, main series shiny rates and a speed up patch to make the game faster. Open it up in a DS emulator (I use Drastic), click on your new game and it should work! Thanks buddy this was very useful! Just about to dive in. There's documentation text files, a patch to change a Platinum ROM into a Renegade Platinum ROM, and then some additional patches which can be applied to a Renegade Platinum ROM which can give you the classic version (less Pokémon changes), increase speed. . 0. I'm playing Pokemon Renegade Platinum with the 60 FPS patch. completely forget it if you're using FF, but even at normal speed the text moves waaaay too quick. Drayano's hacks, although challenging, are the best. This code will allow you to move much faster than normal and also the other characters will move faster as well like the random people you meet in the towns and routes. With an expanded storyline to match Renegade Platinum and over 500 Pokemon to capture (every Pokemon from 1-493 has all their evolution. Probably our first D-tier. Complete has to do with certain Pokemon getting new type combinations (Noctowl being Psychic/Flying, Ninetales being Fire/Fairy, that sort of. All Pokemon are obtainable in a single save file including former trade evolutions and mythical Pokemon. All 493 Pokémon Available Revamped Trainer Battles Harder Boss Battles Pokémon Modifications Quality of Life Changes Pokémon names are now decapitalized. 9 of chensquared-art's patch. The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. Download the zip file below 2. ago. Check to see if the base is playable before patching so in case patching fails you’ll know it’s something else. Instead of a complete reworking of the game. Correct, the mod can only be applied to a vanilla game. This patch MUST be applied on the *4997* USA Rev 1 version of Pokémon Platinum using the Delta Patcher in order for it to work. nds download" and find an already patched copy) iNDS is the best emulator for iPhones. With an expanded storyline to match Renegade Platinum and over 500 Pokemon to capture (every Pokemon from 1-493 has all their evolutions up to the end of Generation 8 as well as their regional forms/evos), you will not find a more advanced. 1. / Pokémon Renegade Platinum (2018). Updated: November 20, 2021. Level 37. 262. Small and simple since, you know, you start with a lvl 5 Pokémon. Starting my first hack, here’s my attempt at a starting town. Or sign in with one of these services. This release is meant to support Mikelan98's and AdAstra's following Pokémon mod for Platinum. sav file you just made - click AUTO (from imported save data size), that’s the. Players can choose from one of three characters – male or female protagonist, Hilda, or Zakum – each with their. the usual 1/8192), but the Classic vs. Runs. And it is now available to download. Renegade Platinum is far more difficult than regular Platinum, has all 493 pokemon that were available in Gen 4 spread throughout the region, has a bunch of QoL changes, and. What I just tried was putting Renegade Platinum in the top file in ‘DeltaPatchLite’ and than the. Primary Goals. Besides that, the AR codes and uncapping other Gen 4 ROMs isn't that hard. I find gen 4 maps to look better, gen 5 look so generic, soulless. The drive link includes documentation on Pokémon and move changes as well as information on boss fights and. A ** means the key item is new to Renegade Platinum. Renegade Platinum uncapped FPS party not working. Game stats. Download Pre-Patched Pokemon Following Renegade Platinum NDS ROM. Pokemon Renegade Platinum remove patch? I was just wondering if it was possible to remove the patch or at least remove a couple features. Speed Up Patch allows you to run through the game much faster. Joined. Has he or anyone else released a speed up patch for any other game, preferably Black or White? That patch honestly makes the game SO much more enjoyable. Sweepers lose a lot of power, which made me super careful on when I send them out. A little strange since your Rival chose a Pokemon too, so there should really only be one Pokemon remaining. i am currently playing it on a flashcart in my 3ds. you, Speed Boost Blaziken, and Huge Power Azumarill), and it can be frustrating when you lose out on great mons due to a coin-flip. zip contains a few things. . If you do this to force it through, it'll likely freeze in battles. 2. *Wild held Shard rates have been lowered to keep the Underground and Great Marsh Shard Giver relevant. OPs post asks for opinions atleast and not straight facts people could look up in the docs in 1 min themself. Known Issues - Difficult to fix. Review. e. 5) Drag and drop the nds file. 62101D40 00000000. Note that it doesn’t die to even an Expert Belt Wing Attack from most Aero’s. The changes listed below aim to provide a more challenging Platinum experience with focus on teambuilding and battling. I can definitely see the big mammoth as helpful but 🤷♂️ Biggest advice I can give is dont be afraid to sacrifice a pokemon to ensure u keep going. If i apply the speed patch i lose the achievements. 3) Test, make changes if needed. , and Riolu. Renegade Platinum Complete - Shiny Renegade Platinum Classic - Normal Renegade Platinum Complete - Normal The Shiny is self-explanatory (1/512 Shiny chance vs. If patched on a different base, it may have. Speed Up Tiktok Audios ♡ Sped Up Edit Audio Tik Tok 2022 - 2023 • Размер:47. I was wondering if there is a way to speed up NDS games in TwilightMenu or by using some other method, thanks!Descrição: Pokémon Renegade Platinum é uma melhoria de Pokémon Platinum Version, similar aos outros ROM Hacks como Sacred Gold & Storm Silver e Blaze Black & Volt White. As someone who is very new to the Steam Deck and has never used Linux, how can I patch the ROM I have if the patch is a . Cheat Codes: 94000130 FCFF0000. The speed hack also sounds helpful, since base game DPPT is soooo slow. Recorder Jubilife City Gift from. A stat can have a maximum of 255 EVs, but 252 is all you need to max the output. In this trailer, we showcased Postwick from Pokemon Sword and Shield. If you are playing with the original game, youi'll need an Action Replay device to enter codes. Any% Glitchless. He has a stacked team of only the strongest Kanto Pokémon. Usage: To use these patches, you'll need the latest Luma CFW. Pokémon Centers skip their healing animation and automatically face you toward the exit. B2101140 00000000. Also Try Pokemon Light Platinum GBA. Pokémon - Following Renegade Platinum ICV. Renegade Platinum offers an intriguing spin on the original game and was made by a creative game developer known for other popular hacks like Sacred Gold & Storm Silver and Blaze. 94000130 FFBB0000. 127. Blaze Black 2. If you're freaking out over your Paras learning a move 2 levels earlier, you're playing the wrong game. The mod comes with a patch that speeds up a lot of things such as text, exp. This is not an enhancement hack like Renegade Platinum, It's just a simple QoL patch, meant to keep the original game experience while adding small improvements. It is nearly impossible to fish in Renegade Platinum with the speed patch. Sinnoh’s got some awesome Pokémon and. 1201D980 00004818. Also, you will need to download Multipatcher (or another file patching software) to put the Renegade patch onto the Platinum rom. Section for patches of ROM hacks. Firered Omega. The game has been given a complete graphical. My team consist of a Venusaur and a Umbreon, both pokemon to stall the game (leach seed+sleep powder+solar beam+sludge bomb the first, wish+protect+toxic+return the second); Ninetales is my only real sweeper (also provides. Iirc it takes 30 seconds to one shot a pokemon in platinum, it blows my mind. i know this because I did not get 11 speed EVs and 12 defense EVs from 1 Oshowott. Pokémon Renegade Platinum gives you the ability to obtain every Pokémon from all generations up to Platinum. In this trailer, we showcased Postwick from Pokemon Sword and Shield. I think Dray says so in one of the readme's. Archived post. Mario kart is now running full speed on normal races. Magnezone works, even though it doubles up fire weakness, because you have 3 good fire resists. Negative speed natures are such a huge detriment since you can't fix it with 252 Speed EVs. For Generation 4, play Renegade Platinum and Sacred Gold / Storm Silver. Latest Version: v1. Well, after getting your starter, just interact with Prof. Also, Field Under shows which system the hack belongs to (for the similar hacks),. Hopefully it's just a glitch for me and doesn't affect others. You can add instant text AR Codes to platinum and also remove the frame limiter which GREATLY speeds up the game. Shiny rate bumped up to 1/512 (with an additional patch; the. Guess I’m just unlucky, even with the hours of grinding I did before the elite four, on my play through, I never saw a single shiny. 2. The Frame Rate visual shows the internal frame-rate on the right side of the '' / ' while showing. 1) Download 3541 Platinum rom, get XDelta, DeSuMe, the ICV mod for renegade platinum, and Renegade Platinum+Following Pokemon. Who We Are. Renegade Platinum Issue Okay, so I recently got iNDS because I felt like playing a Pokemon game, so I decided to get Platinum. Drayano: Creator of Pokémon Renegade Platinum; Drakyem: Translator of Pokémon Renegade Platinum to Spainsh; Mikelan98 and AdAstra: Creators of Pokémon Following Platinum; u/chensquared-art: Integration of Pokémon Following Platinum into Pokémon Renegade Platinum; Setup. But wait, let's make it even harder by playing with the hardcore nuzlocke rules. SpeedUp Patch and quality of life changes (there are many more unlisted features) Portable PC and PokéVial from the start. * You can then apply additional patches on top of Renegade Platinum, including the classic mode, main series shiny rates and a speed up patch to make the game faster. First Shiny of Renegade Platinum POC! I wasn't even chaining for him or anything, total luck! And i'm on the speed patch so didn't even bump my shiny odds. Mega. Mine was Timid, and it still carried with CC and Blitz. I am remaking the entire NDS monster collector game inside the Pokemon FireRed engine, and I just released a BIG playable update! Hopefully this gives a few Spectrobes fans out there a huge shot of nostalgia :D (Info in comments!)I only wanted to use the game speed enhancement cheat (guys, my english is a work in progress so please take it easy T. (Works with Rom hacks aswell no issue). How to Get RENEGADE PLATINUM! - Drayano Pokémon Platinum ROM HACK! - SUBSCRIBE: ️⬅️Follow Drayano! an expanded storyline to match Renegade Platinum and over 500 Pokemon to capture (every Pokemon from 1-493 has all their evolutions up to the end of Generation 8 as well as their regional forms/evos), you will not find a more advanced ROM Hack for Brilliant Diamond out there. information. I've been doing a nuzlocke run of Renegade Platinum and after 5 failed runs, I want to speed up the grinding a bit. There's no need to be so rude. Obtain a Platinum ROM. Search for anything. This code will make all text appear instantly instead of a gradual scroll. Renegade Platinum - Pokemon Renegade Platinum is an expansion hack of the Pokemon Platinum version, similar to Drayano’s other hacks such as Pokemon Sacred Gold & Pokemon Storm Silver and Blaze Black & Volt White. It is a retelling of Pokemon Platinum but with a lot of newer features. (ICV - Individual Color Variation) The shiny and speed-up. Rising Ruby.